Teradata VantageCloud: The Complete Cloud Analytics and Data Platform


徐々に拡張する場合でも、最初から大規模なワークロードを処理する必場合でも、柔軟な価格設定で常に最高のコスト パフォーマンスを実現



ビジネスは企業ごとに異なります。そのためTeradataは必要なサービスを選択できる柔軟な価格体系を提供します。すべてのTeradata Vantage® 導入オプションは、ユニットあたりの価格が同じで、Teradata VantageCloud™へのワークロード移行は簡単です。

月額 3,800ドル から


VantageCloud Lake


  • ユニット当たりのコンピュート価格:年間1.50ドルから(北米地域の場合)
  • オンデマンドとコミットメントの2つの価格体系 
  • コンピュートリソースの稼働時間を制御し、柔軟なコスト管理を実現 


  • ブロックストレージ:年間1,445ドル/TBから
  • オブジェクトストレージ:年間276ドル/TBから 
  • データ転送は別途料金 
  • ストレージとコンピューティングリソースは独立して課金 


  • プレミアクラウドサポート含む
  • VantageCloud Lake+ にはプライオリティサービス含む
  • 基本サービスに含まれない各種サービスは別料金

Lake Lake+
Features and services
Starting at $4,800/month* Lake
Starting at $5,700/month* Lake+
VantageCloud Lake platform
Deploy anywhere with the most flexible platform in the industry

Lake+ - VantageCloud Lake platformDeploy anywhere with the most flexible platform in the industry - yes


Lake+ - VantageCloud Lake platformDeploy anywhere with the most flexible platform in the industry - yes

ClearScape Analytics™
Unlock more value from your data with the most powerful, open, connected AI/ML capabilities on the market

Lake+ - ClearScape Analytics™Unlock more value from your data with the most powerful, open, connected AI/ML capabilities on the market - yes


Lake+ - ClearScape Analytics™Unlock more value from your data with the most powerful, open, connected AI/ML capabilities on the market - yes

Ecosystem tools†
Get the most out of your system with powerful tools to manage unit usage, drive faster development and testing—and more

Lake+ - Ecosystem tools†Get the most out of your system with powerful tools to manage unit usage, drive faster development and testing—and more - yes


Lake+ - Ecosystem tools†Get the most out of your system with powerful tools to manage unit usage, drive faster development and testing—and more - yes

Support services
Ensure a highly available data analytics platform experience

Lake+ - Support servicesEnsure a highly available data analytics platform experience - yes


Lake+ - Support servicesEnsure a highly available data analytics platform experience - yes

Industry data model
Create an effective framework to extract the most value from your data

Lake+ - Industry data modelCreate an effective framework to extract the most value from your data - no


Lake+ - Industry data modelCreate an effective framework to extract the most value from your data - yes

Advanced services
Get up and running faster with our Direct Quick Start Support

Lake+ - Advanced servicesGet up and running faster with our Direct Quick Start Support - no


Lake+ - Advanced servicesGet up and running faster with our Direct Quick Start Support - yes



VantageCloud Lake料金に関するFAQ

Consumption-based pricing is a service provision-and-payment model in which you pay according to the resources that are running and available to execute on your workloads. You can control when compute resources are running or not, allowing for flexibility in cost management.

“Pay for what you use” means that the pricing is directly linked with what compute resources you use. You have the ability to control scaling and schedule workloads on compute clusters, turning them on and off when needed. Compute resources do not consume units when off.

No, pricing varies by region. Please contact your sales representative to get an accurate quote in your region.  

Packages can’t be customized. However, if you’re not using a product capability, it won’t consume any units and therefore won’t create additional costs for you. You can scale your compute clusters to add performance as needed. 

Premier Cloud Support is the base service level for public cloud. Premier Cloud customers are granted access to Teradata Support, where they can submit support cases for all severity levels and search community forums and knowledge articles for answers to common questions and concerns.

Priority Service is an add-on to Premier Cloud Support that provides the customer with enhanced levels of coverage and response as well as priority incident handling.

With the VantageCloud Lake package, you can scale your compute clusters to add performance with the compute clusters. Changes to cluster size will increase performance and impact the unit consumption rate.

Primary clusters and compute clusters consume units at different rates. These rates will be outlined in your cloud service description. 

Yes, you can schedule when compute clusters turn on and off to prevent unnecessary unit consumption. In addition, you can schedule when to spin up more compute clusters to reduce, maintain, or increase performance for workload peaks and valleys. You can view and monitor your resource consumption via the VantageCloud Lake Console, down to the department level. Future enhancements will allow for unit allocation to departments.  

Committed units must be used within each 12-month term; unused units do not roll over. At the end of a committed order’s term, unless you have turned off the VantageCloud Lake compute environment resources, further use of the environment will result in an on-demand order (on a month-to-month term) at the then-current, on-demand unit rate.

月額 9,000ドルから













VantageCloud Enterprise+ で、管理業務に追われることなく、データから答えを導き出すことに集中

VantageCloud Enterpriseのパッケージ


  • ユニット当たりのコンピュート:年間1.50ドルから(北米地域)
  • オンデマンドとコミットメントの2つの価格体系
  • データへのアクセスと保存時にユニットを消費


  • ストレージは別途料金
  • ブロックストレージ:年間1,445ドル/TBから
  • オブジェクトストレージ:年間276ドル/TBから


  • プレミアクラウドサポート含む
  • Enterprise+ にはプライオリティサービス含む
  • 基本に含まれないサービスは別途料金
Enterprise Enterprise+
Features and services
Starting at $9,000/month* Enterprise
Starting at $10,500/month* Enterprise+
VantageCloud Enterprise platform
Deploy anywhere with the most flexible platform in the industry

Enterprise+ - VantageCloud Enterprise platformDeploy anywhere with the most flexible platform in the industry - yes


Enterprise+ - VantageCloud Enterprise platformDeploy anywhere with the most flexible platform in the industry - yes

Ecosystem tools†
Get the most out of your system with powerful tools to manage unit usage, drive faster development and testing, and more

Enterprise+ - Ecosystem tools†Get the most out of your system with powerful tools to manage unit usage, drive faster development and testing, and more - yes


Enterprise+ - Ecosystem tools†Get the most out of your system with powerful tools to manage unit usage, drive faster development and testing, and more - yes

Support Services
Ensure a highly available data analytics platform experience

Enterprise+ - Support ServicesEnsure a highly available data analytics platform experience - yes


Enterprise+ - Support ServicesEnsure a highly available data analytics platform experience - yes

Industry Data Model
Create an effective framework to extract the most value from your data

Enterprise+ - Industry Data ModelCreate an effective framework to extract the most value from your data - no


Enterprise+ - Industry Data ModelCreate an effective framework to extract the most value from your data - yes

Advanced Services
Get up and running faster with our Direct Quick Start Support

Enterprise+ - Advanced ServicesGet up and running faster with our Direct Quick Start Support - no


Enterprise+ - Advanced ServicesGet up and running faster with our Direct Quick Start Support - yes



VantageCloud Enterprise料金に関するFAQ

Consumption-based pricing is a service provision-and-payment model in which customers pay according to data they access and store. Units are consumed when data is accessed and stored on Teradata VantageCloud, but not upon activation. 

“Pay for what you use” means that the pricing is directly linked with what data are stored and accessed, but not upon activation. You will be charged a percentage of your units based on your system’s utilization.

No, pricing varies by region. Please contact your sales representative to get an accurate quote in your region. 

Packages can’t be customized. However, if you’re not using a product capability, it won’t consume any units and therefore won’t create additional costs for you.  

Premier Cloud Support is the base service level for public cloud. Premier Cloud customers are granted access to Teradata Support, where they can submit support cases for all severity levels and search community forums and knowledge articles for answers to common questions and concerns. 

Priority Service is an add-on to Premier Cloud Support that provides the customer with enhanced levels of coverage and response as well as priority incident handling. 

Teradata offers multiple-instance sizing options across cloud service providers (CSPs) and scales intelligently based on actual usage rather than rudimentary conditions, maximizing resources and avoiding unnecessary costs.

Yes, with our intuitive, self-service console, you get full visibility and control over your usage across all instances. You can track usage and allocation and report at any level of detail—all while managing system scaling.

Committed units must be used within each 12-month term; unused units do not roll over. At the end of a committed order’s term, unless you have turned off the VantageCloud compute environment resources, further use of the environment will result in an on-demand order (on a month-to-month term) at the then-current, on-demand unit rate.


Teradata VantageCloudが未来を切り開く
